DE Guiding Principles: Utilization-Focused Evaluation

Pays attention to intended use by intended users from beginning to end, facilitating the evaluation progress to ensure utility and actual use.

  • Engagement in evaluation should be both useful and valuable to participants and other stakeholders.

  • It pays to be mindful about what utilisation looks like in people’s unique contexts.

  • It’s important for the evaluation to be able to work with and adapt to different situations.

  • Evaluation use occurs throughout the evaluation process, it’s not something that should be left until the end.

Questions to ask ourselves:

  • How do we typically take the pulse of situations? How well does this serve us?

  • How do we learn what matters to people?

  • What are the different ways we might build evaluation utilisation into the current situation?

18.09.10 DE GP_ Utilization_Focused.png